
Shoe Wars: Nike’s Use of Utility Patents Against Puma

By Mark D. Hansing

The athletic shoe industry has seen many legal disputes. Intellectual property fights have included trademarks, copyrights, and design patents; all of which protect some aspect of the appearance of the shoes or the logos on the shoes. What is interesting about the recently filed Nike Inc. v. Puma North America Inc., Case No.1:18-cv-10876, in the […]

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Federal Circuit Judge Calls for a Fix to the “Abstract Idea” Mess: Part 4

By Kirk M. Hartung

Below you’ll find the last and final post of this blog series concerning the “abstract idea”. To read the previous posts, please view Part 1 of the series, Part 2 of the series, and Part 3 of the series. Prior blog posts illustrate concern from judges of the Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit regarding […]

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Federal Circuit Judge Calls for a Fix to the “Abstract Idea” Mess: Part 3

By Kirk M. Hartung

This abstract idea case continues to stir up important matters that we all need to keep a close eye on. Below you’ll find part 3 of this blog series concerning the “abstract idea”. To read the previous posts, please first view Part 1 of the series, and then view Part 2 of the series. The […]

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Post-Grant Review of CBM Patents

By Blog Staff

A previous Filewrapper® blog post regarding the legal standard for determining whether a patent qualifies as a Covered Business Method (CBM) patent can be found here. To better understand that discussion, it may be helpful to explain the nature of a CBM patent and the process of reviewing a CBM patent post-grant, which the America […]

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Gene Editing Regulatory Setback

By Heidi Sease Nebel

The gene editing world was dealt a tremendous blow by the European Union (EU) in a decision issued July 25, 2018. The shock comes as the United Stated Department of Agriculture (USDA) recently announced that it would treat all gene edited crops with a deletion as outside of the regulations relating to “genetically modified” crops.  […]

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Have You “Got Milk”?

By Christine Lebron-Dykeman

When you hear the term “Milk”, what comes to mind? Do you automatically think of cow’s milk (or perhaps sheep or goat milk) or do you have a broader definition in mind that covers almond, soy, cashew and other nuts, soybeans, or other plant sources? In 2013, a class action lawsuit was filed claiming that […]

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Federal Circuit Judge Calls for a Fix to the “Abstract Idea” Mess: Part 2

By Kirk M. Hartung

Last week, I began a blog series on the “Abstract Idea” and hope you will continue to follow this critical topic. The previous post from last week can be found here.  The concerns regarding the current state of the law regarding patent eligibility raised by Judge Plager in his recent dissent in the decision by […]

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Federal Circuit Judge Calls for a Fix to the “Abstract Idea” Mess: Part 1

By Kirk M. Hartung

I will be posting for the next several weeks in a series regarding the infamous “Abstract Idea” Mess. Stay tuned for next week’s series follow-up! In a decision of the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit (CAFC) dated July 20, 2018, and including AOL, Apple, Google and Yahoo as defendants, Judge Plager […]

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What is an Abstract Idea?

By Blog Staff

In January of 2018, the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) published its latest revision of the Manual of Patent Examining Procedure (MPEP). With regard to patent eligibility, especially on the issue of abstract ideas, the MPEP was extensively updated. The January revision lays out a similar process as was previously used to determine […]

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AIAA Presents 2017 Daniel Guggenheim Medal to Inventor Paul M. Bevilaqua

By Gregory Lars Gunnerson

The AIAA chose to honor Paul M. Bevilaqua by presenting him with the 2017 Daniel Guggenheim Medal. The Daniel Guggenheim Medal was established in 1929 for the purpose of honoring persons who make notable achievements in the advancement of aeronautics. The Medal is jointly sponsored by AIAA, ASME, SAE, and AHS. The medal is considered […]

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