
Global Intellectual Property Indicator in 2017 Published by WIPO

By Blog Staff

World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) published its annual report, Global Intellectual Property Indicator 2017, on January 8, 2018. The report is 226 pages long and contains mostly statistics and colorful graphs. Although it is not a “must read” for everyone, it is definitely an informative resource for anyone who is in the business of creating […]

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The Mandatory Deposit Requirement of The Library of Congress: A Little Known and Little-Complied-With Law

By Mark D. Hansing

What is it? The United States Library of Congress says it has the largest collection of published works in the world. Housed in three buildings on Capitol Hill in Washington DC, with warehouses elsewhere, estimates are on the order of 32 million catalogued books and other printed materials in 470 languages, and that many more […]

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Determining a “Joint Enterprise” in the Wake of Akamai’s Divided Infringement Standards

By Blog Staff

On December 19, 2017, the Federal Circuit released an opinion in Travel Sentry, Inc. v. Tropp, clarifying further the requirements for satisfying divided infringement, i.e. infringement involving multiple actors carrying out the claimed steps of a method patent where no single accused infringer has performed all the steps. The opinion stems from a series of […]

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