WIPO issues the Green Technology BookNovember 14, 2022 Today WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization) released a digital resource called The Green Technology Book. The reference provides a 2022 report of technology trends and solutions for combating climate change. It further addresses how the intellectual property system can assist in adapting for climate change. This intersection of green technology and intellectual property provides practical guidance along with useful databases of technologies (at all development phases). An initial review of The Green Technology Book illustrates what patent practitioners see every day – namely that innovation excels in ecosystems that support adaptation solutions. This includes intellectual property and tools for inventors and investors to recoup investments in research and development through intellectual property rights. This is important as one report by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) estimates that adapting to climate change will cost between $140-300 billion dollars per year by 2030. The resource is broken down into chapters specific to Agriculture and Forestry, Water and Coastal Regions, and Cities. The reference considered over 200 technologies to summarize the topics and illustrate how technologies can aid in adapting to climate change. However, the concluding message of the WIPO resource is that more is needed and the timing is ripe for innovation. Through work with many innovative clients in fields that are positively impacting climate change or are aiming to prepare for climate change in myriad ways, it is encouraging to be a part of innovative solutions. The Green Technology Book may be a useful resource to many and is available here. Jill Link is a Patent Attorney and Partner at McKee, Voorhees & Sease, PLC in the Chemical and Biotechnology Practice Group. For additional information please visit www.ipmvs.com or contact Jill directly via email at jill.link@ipmvs.com. ← Return to Filewrapper