What’s in a Name? Understanding the Federal Seed Act and USDA Variety Name Clearance ProgramMay 8, 2024 The name of a plant variety is not just a label; it’s a representation of years of research,development, and distinct characteristics. Variety names serve as a crucial communication toolamong farmers, researchers, distributors, and consumers. Whether it’s a new soybean cultivarresistant to common diseases or a high-yield wheat variety, the name is the first point ofreference for consumers. Therefore, it’s imperative that variety names are distinct to avoiconfusion in the marketplace.Although the United States does not have a mandatory plant variety registration system, underthe Federal Seed Act (FSA), once a variety has been traded or sold under a name, that namecannot be changed and the name can never be used for another variety of the same kind. Sincethe 1890s, the United States Department of Agriculture has kept track of all agricultural andvegetable seed varieties sold in the United States and maintained a database of variety names.The USDA offers the “Variety Name Clearance Program” to assist companies in reducing thechances of variety name conflicts and FSA violations.When naming a variety, an applicant should do their own preliminary search of existing varietynames prior to applying for name clearance. The USDA has conveniently provided an onlinesearch tool that is available to the general public. In order to comply with the FSA, there are anumber of guidelines that must be followed in choosing a variety name. For example, the samename cannot be given to more than one variety of the same kind or a closely related kind (i.e.pumpkins and squash or wheat and triticale), and a variety name cannot be misleadingly similarto an existing name. Additionally, there are special guidelines for turfgrasses and for namesincluding a trademark.The process for requesting variety name clearance is relatively straightforward. Requests canbe submitted using the USDA’s online application or by emailing requests directly to the USDA’sseed specialist. The USDA will compare the proposed name with variety names already in thedatabase to determine if the variety name has already been used or if it is too similar to existingnames. Assuming there is no conflict, a clearance letter will be issued. Otherwise, anexplanation of any conflict will be sent.There are some caveats to variety name clearance. When an applicant receives a clearanceletter, the applicant should understand that the clearance is not a guarantee that the name isfree of conflicts. Furthermore, the clearance does not establish a legal right to the variety nameand the USDA does not make determinations regarding potential trademark infringement of aproposed variety name.A variety name entry into the database becomes permanent when the variety is released intothe marketplace under that name. Once the variety has been released, the name cannot bechanged. Thus, the USDA requests all applicants to inform them once a variety has beenreleased. This ensures that the database is kept as accurate as possible.Melissa M. Mitchell is a Patent Attorney at McKee, Voorhees & Sease, PLC inthe Biotechnology & Chemical Practice Group. For additional information pleasevisit www.ipmvs.com or contact Melissa directly via email at melissa.mitchell@ipmvs.com. ← Return to Filewrapper