Senate Bill Aimed at Combating Cyber EspionageMay 30, 2014 Senator Carl Levin (D-MI) has introduced a bill called the "Deter Cyber Theft Act" to the Senate floor that would require the Director of National Intelligence to report annually to congressional committees concerning foreign countries that engage in economic and industrial cyber espionage relating to intellectual property and proprietary information owned by U.S. companies. Under the proposed regime, each report would include: · A list of foreign countries engaging in economic or industrial cyber espionage against U.S. entities, including a watch list of the worst offenders; · A list of U.S. technologies or proprietary information being targeted, and if possible, a list of the information that has been stolen; · A list of items manufactured or services provided as a result of the stolen technologies and information; · A list of foreign companies benefiting from such theft; · Details of the espionage activities of foreign countries; · Actions being taken by U.S. federal agencies to combat cyber espionage. The bill went before the Senate on May 7, 2013 and was referred to the Committee on Finance. Although no action on the bill is currently pending, Senator Levin has stated that his renewed efforts to move this bill through Committee are prompted by recent events concerning cyber espionage. Senator Levin's complete comments on the bill can be foundhere. ← Return to Filewrapper