Roundup of media coverage of KSR and MicrosoftMay 1, 2007 Below is a sampling of various media reports regarding yesterday's two Supreme Court patent decisions, KSR Int'l Co. v. Teleflex, Inc. and Microsoft Corp. v. AT&T Corp.: "Court douses patent wildfire" (Chicago Tribune) "Ruling toughens patent process" (USA Today) "Patent protections tempered by Supreme Court rulings" (Los Angeles Times) "High court puts limits on patents" (New York Times) "Patent holders' grip weakens" (Wall Street Journal) "US high court loosens patent 'obviousness' test" (Reuters) "Experts say high court rulings weaken patent law" (Houston Chronicle) "Supreme Court reins in patent power" (Seattle Times) "Rulings weaken patents' power" (Washington Post) "Supreme Court limits patent suits" (Boston Globe) "Getting a patent just got harder" (Forbes) "High court hands tech firms patent victory" (MSNBC) "Court cases threaten weaker patents" (Business Week via AP) "Supreme Court adopts new standard on patent litigation" ( ← Return to Filewrapper