
House expected to pass Patent Reform Act of 2007 today

That House version of the Patent Reform Act of 2007 (H.R. 1908) is expected to be considered and passed today. There have been several modifications to the bill since it was first introduced, so even if the Senate also passes it, there likely will be many differences between the House and Senate versions that will […]

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House Passes Patent Reform Act of 2007

As expected, the House this afternoon passed its version of the Patent Reform Act of 2007 (H.R. 1908). The vote was 220-175, with 37 not voting. Now the lobbying action will move to the Senate.

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Government recommends Supreme Court hear patent exhaustion case

In a filing on August 24 (that got put on the back burner with the hubbub about the new continuation and claim limit rules), the government has recommended that the Supreme Court grant certiorari in Quanta Computer, Inc. v. LG Electronics, Inc. (No. 06-937). Detail about the Federal Circuit's decision may be found in this […]

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Third Circuit: Patentee’s intentional falsehood to standards body can support antitrust claim

Maybe it's time for Qualcomm to rethink how it approaches standard-setting organizations. In a decision today, the Third Circuit reversed in part a district court's dismissal of rival Broadcom's antitrust claims, finding that Broadcom had adequately pleaded actions by Qualcomm that, if true, would constitute an antitrust violation. The facts of the case are similar […]

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Patent Office Professional Association comes out against Patent Reform Act of 2007

Support for the Patent Reform Act of 2007 (S. 1145, H.R. 1908) continues to erode. Now, as reported on the Patent Prospector, POPA, the Patent Office Professional Association, has penned an open letter against the Act. The letter, entitled "The Patent Reform Act Will Hurt, Not Help, the U.S. Patent System," is interesting for several […]

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House Republican leadership expresses concerns about Patent Reform Act of 2007

In further evidence that the Patent Reform Act of 2007 (S. 1145, H.R. 1908) may be in for a tough road, the House Republican leadership (Republican Leader Boehner and Republican Whip Blunt) has sent a letter to Speaker Pelosi expressing concerns about the Act. Among the provisions that cause the concern are enhanced rulemaking authority […]

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IEEE voices opposition to the Patent Reform Act of 2007

As reported at the Patent Prospector, the U.S. organizational unit of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE-USA) has sent a letter to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and Speaker Nancy Pelosi opposing the Patent Reform Act of 2007. In a nutshell, the IEEE-USA's view is: We believe that much of the legislation is […]

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Patent Reform Act of 2007 hitting a snag?

In today's Wall Street Journal, there is an article noting that the Patent Reform Act of 2007 (S. 1145, H.R. 1908) may be coming up against some resistance when Congress returns from its August recess. The article notes that the AFL-CIO has warned that if the Act is passed in its current form, "innovation—and union-backed […]

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First lawsuit to stop implementation of continuation and claim limit rules filed

As reported on Patently-O (and predicted here), yesterday a lawsuit was filed against the USPTO and its director, Jon Dudas, to prevent implementation of the new rules limiting continuations and the number of claims in patent applications (expect a more detailed post about the new rules later today). The lawsuit alleges that the regulations are […]

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New continuation and claim limit rules: the good, the bad, and the ugly

After having some time to parse out the details of the new rules promulgated by the USPTO on Tuesday, a few things jump out. For the most part, they could have been worse, but from the perspective of patent applicants, the new rules will likely result in more expensive applications, narrower coverage, and potentially the […]

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