Another Billion Dollar Patent Verdict Another billion dollar verdict has been handed out in a patent case. Read the verdict in Carnegie Mellon University v. Marvell Technology Group, LTD. here. This latest case continues a string of billion dollar verdicts highlighted by Jonathan Kennedy in the latest edition of MVS Briefs. Carnegie Mellon brought suit alleging infringement of two of […] Continue Reading →
USPTO will remain open until April 18 in the event of government shutdown In a press release, the USPTO stated it has sufficient available funds not tied to the current fiscal year that it will be able to remain open for six days following any shutdown of government functions. Based on the current appropriations, that would put the USPTO open until April 18, assuming a shutdown begins April […] Continue Reading →
Copyright Office issues new DMCA exemptions: iPhone jailbreaking, noncommercial use of DVD snippets Every three years, the United States Copyright Office seeks proposals for exemptions from the Digital Millennium Copyright Act ("DMCA"). As part of the DMCA, it became unlawful to circumvent access control measures copyright holders used to secure their copyrighted works. For example, it is arguably a violation of the DMCA to use a program to […] Continue Reading →
USPTO proposes tiered system for patent application examination speed In a press release today, the USPTO has proposed a tiered examination system where applicants could choose to pay a higher fee in exchange for quicker examination of an application or could opt for a delay of up to 30 months before docketing for examination. This is the latest in Director Kappos' attempts to control […] Continue Reading →
USPTO to allow accelerated examination for “green” applications without examination support document In a press release yesterday, the USPTO announced it was beggining a pilot program to permit accelerated examination of patent applications directed to "green" technologies. The announcement came on the same day that the EPA announced it considers greenhouse gases a threat to public health and the environment. The announcements came just before the start […] Continue Reading →
Highlights from oral arguments in Bilski v. Kappos On Monday, the Supreme Court heard oral argument in Bilski v. Kappos in an effort to determine the proper test to be applied to determine whether a claim is patentable subject matter under § 101. The oral argument transcript is available from the Court's website here. Click below for our thoughts on the arguments and […] Continue Reading →
USPTO announces e-Office Action program for patent applications In a press release, the USPTO announced the availability of the e-Office Action program for patent applications. Under the program, applicants or attorneys may sign up to receive an email notice when an office action is mailed in an application, and can then download the office action from Private PAIR. This avoids the time delay […] Continue Reading →
Obama to nominate David Kappos for USPTO director According to the website of Senator Patrick Leahy, President Obama will nominate David J. Kappos to be the next Undersecretary of Commerce for Intellectual Property and Director of the U.S. Patent And Trademark Office. The nomination does not yet appear on the White House's nominations and appointments page (Update: here is the While House press […] Continue Reading →
Pirate Bay operators guilty of criminal infringement in Sweden; no webcast of US file sharing case In the past day, there has been two interesting bits of news in the world of cases alleging copyright infringement by way of peer-to-peer file sharing. The first is that the individuals who operate and maintain the servers that host The Pirate Bay, the world's largest bittorrent tracker, were held to have committed criminal copyright […] Continue Reading →
Patent Reform Act of 2009 back before Senate Judiciary Committee today to consider compromise Today at 10:00 Eastern time the Senate Judiciary Committee will hold an executive business meeting to discuss the Patent Reform Act of 2009. The committee will consider some proposed amendments that represent a compromise on several key issues that have been points of contention over the course of the past several years when patent reform […] Continue Reading →