Limitations of a Claim Come from the Claim Language Itself In E-Pass Technologies (“E-Pass”) v. 3Com Corp., Palm Inc., palmOne, Inc. and Handspring, Inc. and Visa International Service Association and Visa U.S.A., Inc. and Palmsource, Inc. (“3Com”), the district court’s holding of final summary judgment of non-infringement by 3Com was affirmed by the Federal Circuit. At issue was a patent (“the ‘311 patent”) entitled “Method […] Continue Reading →
Another claim construction reversal: Claim not limited to preferred embodiment In a split decision, the Federal Circuit reversed a district court’s judgment of noninfringement based on error in claim construction. The patent at issue involves a machine and method that automate the staining of microscope slides used in biological assays. The district court construed the claims narrowly based on the preferred embodiment described in the […] Continue Reading →
Majority of Federal Circuit appears ready to reconsider claim construction standard of review Today the Federal Circuit denied rehearing en banc in Amgen, Inc. v. Hoechst Marion Roussel, Inc., a case dealing with synthetic human erythropoietin, a protein that stimulates red blood cell production. In order to rehear a case en banc, a majority of active judges on the court must vote to rehear the case. There are […] Continue Reading →
Federal Circuit reverses claim construction but affirms infringement Abraxis Bioscience (formerly AstraZeneca) is the holder of three patents on an improved formulation of an anesthetic, DIPRIVAN?. Prior formulations had the problem of increasing postoperative infections. The inventors discovered that by adding disodium edetate as an antimicrobial agent. This addition allowed DIPRIVAN? to be administered for up to 24 hours without a significant increased […] Continue Reading →