Firefly Petunia: A Glow in the Dark Plant By Brian D. Keppler, Ph.D. Plants that glow in the dark, once only in the realm of science fiction, are now set to become a reality for all with the introduction of the Firefly Petunia from Light Bio. The science behind these glowing plants, first detailed in a 2020 publication in Nature Biotechnology, utilizes a bioluminescence pathway from Neonothopanus nambi […] Continue Reading →
The Game-Changing Golf Bag Stand: A Catalyst for Business Deal Making By Jacob S. Blackford Did you know that the original patent for a golf bag stand was issued to inventor Talbert Dick in 1928? Talbert would go on to be the founder of the firm that today is known as McKee, Voorhees & Sease, PLC. In the realm of business, where every handshake counts and every meeting holds potential […] Continue Reading →
Copyleft or Copyright: Exploring Copyright Protections of Memes By Ashley E. Holland Memes have been ubiquitous with internet culture for decades now. In the context of the internet, memes often take the form of images, videos, phrases, or concepts that are shared and remixed by users. They can be humorous, satirical, or convey a particular message or emotion. Memes often are best at communicating a shared experience […] Continue Reading →