New Changes Proposed for PTAB Trial Proceedings Rules USPTO Director Michelle K. Lee discussed proposed rule changes in herblog post for Wednesday, August 19. The first set of rules governing inter partes review, post-grant review, and covered business method patent proceedings was issued in 2012 and a number public comment sessions were held to gather feedback on these rules. In March of 2015, […] Continue Reading →
New Patent Application Alert Service The USPTO is now offering a Patent Application Alert Service (PAAS) that allows subscribers to stay current with patent application pre-grant publications that may be relevant or of interest. A subscriber will receive a weekly email alert that is customizable to a search criteria set by the subscriber. Each email will also contain direct links […] Continue Reading →
MVS Biotech and Chemical Group Renews Membership in Iowa Biotech Association The Iowa Biotechnology Association–the state affiliate organization of the Biotechnology Industry Organization (BIO)–was founded in 1994 to unify Iowa’s bioscience industry, academic research institutions and economic development organizations. BIO is a national organization representing more than 1,000 biotech companies, academic institutions, state biotech centers and related organizations in all 50 U.S. states and 33 other […] Continue Reading →
Developments in State Anti-“Patent Troll”Legislation Patent law is within the exclusive jurisdiction of the federal government. In the past several years, however, a number of states have proposed or passed legislation aimed at combatting so-called “patent troll”behavior. Although patent lawsuits are tried in federal—not state—court, these state legislative efforts generally attempt to combat perceived patent-troll behavior by creating a separate cause of […] Continue Reading →
Innovation Promotion Act Could Mean Income Deductions for Patents and Other Intellectual Property Current tax laws do not permit deductions or other preferential tax treatment for income derived from intellectual property. This may change based on proposed tax reforms. On July 29th the House Ways and Means Committee members Charles Boustany (R-LA) and Richard Neal (D-MA) released a legislative proposal for public comment outlining the Innovation Promotion Act. […] Continue Reading →
Who owns the Trademark: Distributor v. Manufacturer The Trademark Trial and Appeal Board (TTAB) has previously held that in the absence of an agreement between a manufacturer and a distributor, there is a legal presumption that the manufacturer is the owner of the trademark. The presumption that the manufacturer is the owner of a disputed mark may be rebutted. In determining which […] Continue Reading →
Innovation Promotion Act Would Mean Income Deductions for Patents Currently tax law does not permit deductions or other preferential tax rules for income derived from intellectual property. Proposed tax reforms consider changing this. On July 29th the House Ways and Means Committee members Charles Boustany (R-LA) and Richard Neal (D-MA) released a legislative proposal for public comment outlining the Innovation Promotion Act that would, in […] Continue Reading →
Legal Issues in the Music Industry: Music in Film & TV Legal Issues in the Music Industry: Music in Film & TV This is the first blog of many that will focus on the diverse legal issues that affect musicians, artists, songwriters, and other music industry related entities. I routinely get asked the same questions over and over again which I will attempt to break down […] Continue Reading →