Supreme Court: Business method patents survive, but barely; Bilski’s claims unpatentable Yesterday, the Supreme Court decided Bilski v. Kappos, the most recent case at the Court probing the boundaries of patentable subject matter under § 101. Details of the underlying facts of the Bilski case may be found in our post on the Federal Circuit's en banc decision here. All nine Justices agreed that Bilski's method […] Continue Reading →
Bilski decided This morning, the Supreme Court handed down its opinion in Bilski v. Kappos. The court affirmed the Federal Circuit's decision. We'll have more detailed analysis soon. To read the opinion, click here. Continue Reading →
Ninth Circuit: Filing copyright application sufficient to bring suit under Section 411(a) In a decision last week, the Ninth Circuit held the filing of an application for registration with the copyright office is sufficient to meet the requirement that a copyright be "registered" before suit is brought under 17 U.S.C. § 411(a). In the first circuit court decision on the subject since the Supreme Court's Reed Elsevier […] Continue Reading →
USPTO proposes tiered system for patent application examination speed In a press release today, the USPTO has proposed a tiered examination system where applicants could choose to pay a higher fee in exchange for quicker examination of an application or could opt for a delay of up to 30 months before docketing for examination. This is the latest in Director Kappos' attempts to control […] Continue Reading →