
Three disputed claim terms, three revised constructions, one remand

In a recent decision, the Federal Circuit vacated and remanded a district court's judgment of noninfringement based on the parties' stipulation after claim construction. The district court construed three claim terms in a way that the parties agreed rendered all accused products noninfringing, and the plaintiff appealed.On appeal, the Federal Circuit reversed the district court's […]

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Obama to nominate David Kappos for USPTO director

According to the website of Senator Patrick Leahy, President Obama will nominate David J. Kappos to be the next Undersecretary of Commerce for Intellectual Property and Director of the U.S. Patent And Trademark Office. The nomination does not yet appear on the White House's nominations and appointments page (Update: here is the While House press […]

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When analyzing written description in interference, claims construed according to patent copied from

In a recent decision, the Federal Circuit reversed a district court’s grant of summary judgment in a ยง 146action brought after an interference proceeding at the USPTO. The district court agreed with the Board’s decision to award priority to the senior party in the interference, granting the senior party’s motion for summary judgment that its […]

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Close but no cigar: ITC gets 4 of 5 claim constructions correct, but must reconsider 2 issues

In a recent decision, the Federal Circuit addressed a variety of claim construction, infringement, and validity issues in an appeal from the International Trade Commission. After construing five disputed claim terms, the ITC held one of four representative products infringed, the remaining three did not infringe, and one claim invalid as anticipated. Both parties appealed.The […]

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In license agreement, right to “have made” implicitly granted with right to make

In a recent decision, the Federal Circuit affirmed a district court's dismissal of a patent licensor's claims for breach of a license agreement and patent infringement. The non-exclusive licensee arranged to have third parties manufacture the licensed product, but the product was sold by the licensee. The patent owner argued this was a breach of […]

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Supreme Court grants certiorari in Bilski

In an order today, the Supreme Court agreed to hear an appeal in Bilski v. Doll regarding the patentability of method claims. Back in October, the Federal Circuit decided In re Bilski, adopting the "machine-or-transformation" test as the exclusive test to determine whether a method is drawn to patentable subject matter. Bilski filed a petition […]

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